Some things can

Some things can
Some things can b left undone, Som words can b left unsaid, Some feelings can b left unexpressed but someone like u can never b left unremembered!

Jan, 18 2012     146 chars (1 sms)     864 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

We're not even close`yet i miss u.`we hardly talk`but i hear u.`i dnt knw`a thing about u`yet i care for u.`im missing sumthin`in my life &```its you..
"Finding some1 to fall in luv wth is nice. Bt findng sum1 who would keep u falling even after U've fallen is irreplaceable.
why say HI! if u mean I MISS U.. why say LET'S GO! if u mean I WANT 2 B W/ U.. why say STAY! if u can say B WITH ME... and why say I CARE wen ur heart says I LUV U!
A cute Frndship poem: Monsoon rain or Summer heat, Ur d reason Y i breath, Tell me frnd wat is so sweet? Is that u or ur heart that beat.
A beautiful msg::I'm dead but my soul is in u,My eyes r open but I dream of u,I'm d best but nothing without u,Take care of my beats in u.
I love u, I love but u With a love that shall not die Till the sun grows cold And the stars grow old.
Love is..! When grandma is unable to paint her toe nails as she can't bend..! and grandpa paints them inspite his back pain..
No matter where you are or what you"re doing, you"re always in my thoughts with your smile, with your voice, with your touch, with your twinking eyes full of love for me! and with you i"ve understood love"""
if msgS coMe at D wrNg TyM, Sory 4 d DsTrBnCe. & weN Ur fone beepS onLy 2 fND oUt it'S me, hoPe uR Not disapoiNtd, im jst sm1 hU Cares & misSeS U!Ð831:``8 letters`3 words`1 meaning...```i love you.
Words and hearts should be handled with care... for words when spoken and hearts when broken are the hardest things to repair.
you never truly love a person unless the mere thought of you hurting your loved one is enough to break your own heart
U say u luv me & want 2 hold me tight.those words run thru my head day & nite.i dreamt u held me & made me see dat 4ever 2gether we wood be!