Once in a while,

Once in a while,
Once in a while, "great love" comes to your life. It probably won't last but it's good to know that at least once in your life, you had that kind of love.

Jan, 18 2012     154 chars (1 sms)     824 views       Love

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To hav sum1 2 love is not a gift but a choice. To have someone to love you back...now that's a gift. Cherish it that you can treasure it with all your heart.
KOI hai jo dua karta hai, Apno me mujhe bhi gina karta he, bahut khushnasib samjhte he khud ko hum, door rah ke bhi koai yaad kia karta hai
it's difficult to find someone like you, it's like opening a hundred shells under the sea to find one pearl, but finding you makes the dive worthwhile.
Love is like a bird, If u hold it tightly, it dies, if u hold it lightly, it will fly. Please take good care of it. Dont love 1 dont love 2, but love the one who loves u.
No LoVe will end unnoticed!Its simply like fire ashes,ready to burn in any instance!All it need is a mild wind.Time wll prove ur Love!
Tym can heal all wounds. Tym can give u another chance, tym can help u forget, time can let u move on but tym can never giv back wat has already ended
Do you ever recall d day we 1st met? our 1st helo? d day we bcame lovers? wel i do.i will alwys rmembr..4dat day,i knw ud b d bst gift il b keeping 4ever.
Love the heart that hurts u but never hurt the heart that loves u; bcoz 4 the world u might be some1 but 4 some1 u r the world
Only true Love Understands...The Language Of Our Eyes... Only True Love Knows When...These Eyes Hide The Tears... Deep Within And How To...Make These Tears Die!!
I thank God he sent you to me, For you and I were meant to be. We have a bond too strong to break, We have a love no one can take
Rich in gud luks.. its u, Rich in gud eyes.. its u, Rich in heart.. its u, Rich in frndship... Wait 1minut... its me coz i hav "U"
I looked at a sweet, beautiful rose, and then I looked at you, and I kept looking at you, for the rose isn't as beautiful as you. 2