Keep love in

Keep love in
Keep love in ur heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.

Jan, 18 2012     92 chars (1 sms)     723 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what hurts more is to love someone, and never find the courage to let them know how you feel.
There are a lot of birds wispering only about you, you should once listen to them, then you would know how much I love you.
u dnt hav 2 ask f i care. in evry word u say, fil free2tel ur worries & realyz dt im hir..4 now 4 always & 4evr 4u exclusvely…
When a heart is the sign of love ,and red the colour ...and when walking around with your head in the clouds means that one is in love..Why do I draw a line in blue and am I only thinking of you ?
it takes a lifetime to find true love & it only takes a moment to lose it forever. so if u love someone, show it now bcos a lost today may be a lost forever.
Luv is only a gift gven 2 us, we shd not hold it in r hands 4 we may nvr find d strength 2 let go wen it dcded 2 leave, we shd only mbrace 8s warmth & glow wyl it last & den frily open r arms when its tme 2 say gudbye........
Trees Are Tall, Branches Are Small, But My Love For You, Is Greatest Than All.
hw wud u knw if a guy truly luvs u its wen u scream he is calm wen u slap him , ` he kises u wen u cry , he hugs u & wen u tell hm u h8 him ,he tels u I LOVE
remember dat der will always be S o m e o n e who remembers u everyday w/ or w/out messages!```M e !
Hansi bhi mili aur khushi bhi mili, Socha bahut khusnaseeb hai hum. Magar jab apne pyare dost ko 1 muskurahat nahi de sake tab pata chala kitne GARIB hai hum...
I luv U 'til the day i die, I luv U'til i break down n cry' I love U and i'll make you see that noone will ever love U' more than ME
Whnever i miss u.. I wont luk 4 u in my dreams.. or try to hear ur voice in ur msgs.. I jst put my right hand across my chest and ill feel u..........