A beautiful msg::

A beautiful msg::
A beautiful msg::I'm dead but my soul is in u,My eyes r open but I dream of u,I'm d best but nothing without u,Take care of my heart.it beats in u.

Jan, 18 2012     147 chars (1 sms)     814 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

If you have love in your life it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don't have it, no matter what else there is, it's not enough
Your love is the song in my heart. The sunshine in my sky. The promise of my world. The centre of my universe
Like and love are two different things. Like is when you know the best side of someone and like them. Love is when you know the worst side that someone could ever have, and you still love that person with everything you have in your heart.
Roses are red.. And sky is blue.. But you don't know.. How much I LOVE U
"Finding some1 to fall in luv wth is nice. Bt findng sum1 who would keep u falling even after U've fallen is irreplaceable.
Sharp is ur memory, sweet is ur name, deep in my heart u'll always remain. Earth wants water, flower wants dew, I want nothing but a smile from u.
Why do I text you? It's my choice. It's my way of saying I remember you. Why do I remember you? It's my choice. It proves that I care. Why do I care? I don't know, it's not my choice but my heart's.
Beautiful Ur Words are not my DisturbanceBut the Disturbance lies in ur silence.Never Be Silent With Someone U Love..
WeN I WalK AloNe..I WisH tO ReAcH ThE EnD oF ThE RoaD..BuT WeN YoU WalK WiT mE..I WisH ThE RoaD WouLd NeVeR EnD..
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage.
Absence is d best presence.Coz if people r Absent thn u Miss them..& if u Miss them thAt meAns they r Present in ur heArt.
A peach is a peach, A plum is a plum, A kiss ain't a kiss, without some tounge. So open up your mouth, and close your eyes, and give your tounge Some exercise!