Some broken hearts

Some broken hearts
Some broken hearts never mend...! Some memories never end...! Some tears will never dry...! But my love for you never dies..

Jan, 18 2012     124 chars (1 sms)     916 views       Love

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The greatest challenge in our life is to find someone who knows all our flaws and differences yet still willingly embraces us with so much love.
" CRY " is alove detecter.When someonemakes u cry it shows how much u luv them and ..If someone cries 4 u it shows how much they love u..
No LoVe will end unnoticed!Its simply like fire ashes,ready to burn in any instance!All it need is a mild wind.Time wll prove ur Love!
Do u knw d relation b/w2 eyes? Dey blink 2gthr,dey move 2gthr, dey cry 2gthr, dey c things 2gthr n dey sleep 2gthr. BT STIL dEY NVR c EACH OTHER dats True Love
Love bears all things!Love believes all things!Love hopes all things!andMost precious of all, Love endures all things.
Never Break Four things in you life-Trust, Promise, Relation & Heart becasue when they don"t make noise but pains a lot ?"
One hurts you so that you may find someone who can heal u, if nobody is there to hurt u, u will never know the person who cares for u…
2day when i woke up, i was surprised 2 see U outside my house. Bt later i came 2 knw dat it was a lovely rose whose face was resembling U.
Valuing someone is not merely by seeing each other evryday. Wat counts is dat somehow in our busy lives,we remmber each other
If loving you is wrong,then I don't wanna be right.My love for you is strong and brighter than any light.The way we must go is long,but we'll win every fight.
Feelings r a waste when not expressedHeart is a mere extension if it doesn't beat 4 sm1 elseLife is useless if not Loved&LuV is a waste if not lived.
Every teardrop is precious so better make sure that if u drop some, its worth crying for, coz u can never pick them and put them back 2 ur eyes.