My love for you is like water, falling countless… the beating of my heart, for you is so heavy and soundless, the feeling of being in your arm is so precious and endless.
If loving you is wrong,then I don't wanna be right.My love for you is strong and brighter than any light.The way we must go is long,but we'll win every fight.
Nvr ask 4a kiss,jus take it. Nvr ask do u Luv me,say i Luv u. Nvr say i cant liv w/out u,say i liv 4u. NOW GO FLIRT,U've been traind by d xpert. Make me proud.
The only way 2 love is not finding the perfect person bt by loving the imperfect person perfectly.`True love doesnt hav a happy ending.```it simply doesnt end.
Its Amazing Hw 1 Prson Cn Bring U So Much Happiness & Pain In Ur Life May B Its Really Luv Knocking Whn She Cn Make u So Happy Tht U 4gt All D Pain So Don't 4gt All D Happinss Whn She Breaks Ur Heart
Love not out of NeeD but out of the aBUNDaNCe of the heart.`Don't seek for someone who will fill your HeaRT, rather seek for someone whose heart you can FiLL.