Let d world stop

Let d world stop
Let d world stop turning, Let d sun stop burning, Let dem tell me love"s not worth going through. If it all falls apart, I will know deep in my heart, The only dream dat mattered had come true, In dis life I was loved by U......"

Jan, 18 2012     229 chars (2 sms)     723 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

Dont” keep me in ur eyes, i may fall as tears keep me in ur heart, so that ur every “Heart Beat” may remainds u thats there is “someone 4 u”.
Talk 2 me wen I’m Bored, B with me wen i’m Sad, Hug me wen i Cry, Care 4 me wen i’m Sick, Don’t ever cry 4 me wen I die! Just treasure me wen I’m ALIVE.
Misers Love Money...Flowers Love Dew...Bees Love Honey.. As I love You.. !
BEAUTY doesn't make love but love makes BEAUTY ; BREAK everything but never BREAK the HEART; hEART is the music, PLAY it but never play WITH it.
U say u luv me & want 2 hold me tight.those words run thru my head day & nite.i dreamt u held me & made me see dat 4ever 2gether we wood be!
Set a place for me in your heart and not in your mind for the mind easily forgets but the heart always remembers. I love you.
D gauge of hw u trly trsure sm1 is not how hapi u r w/dem Bt hw sad u r wn u lose dem. But pls dnt try 2 find out how sad il b w/o u coz surely i wont last!!
If you love something set it free. if it returns it was meant to be. if it does not then it was never yours to begin with.
The best line I've ever come across- "The heart is the only broken instrument that works, without repairing for years..
Everyone wil not get evrything..This is d way of life..Dont try 2 get whch is not urs,But Dont dare 2 lose whch is urs..
Love means to see someone with closed eyez, to miss some1 in crowd, 2 find some1 in every thought, to live 4 some1, luv some1, but sure tht sum1 is only one
1 thing 2 be remembered in life. Keep something in heart which hurts others but never try to hurt someone by keeping something in your heart