Before meeting you

Before meeting you
Before meeting you I was nothing.. You taught me everything.. Now I have become something.. But I need you and your love in each and in every moment of my life.. !

Jan, 18 2012     163 chars (2 sms)     813 views       Love

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A bell is no bell until you ring it, a song is no song until you sing it & love in your heart wasn’t put there to stay-love isn’t love until you give it away.
i thought dat if i tried 2 stay away, id learn 2 let you go & forget, but i was wrong. The more i stayed away from you,the more i realized how much i love you.
I always lose control when ur by my side. u have bcome the light of my life. I always enjoy the time i spend with you. I think i'm falling in love with you!
Its time when people you love should know that you love them Its time when people you miss should know that you miss them that is why i keep on saying i love and miss you all the time.
When you fall in river there is boat, when u fall in a well there is a rope. But when u fall in love there is no hope!
Love is gr8, love is fine, it picks u up wen u r down, i love u and i always will, uve filled a space no one can fill.
Once in a while, "great love" comes to your life. It probably won't last but it's good to know that at least once in your life, you had that kind of love.
Btwn a thou s a n d y s t r d a y s ` & a m i l l i o n 2 m o r r o w s , ` d e r s o n l y 1 2 d a y ` & i w u d n t l e t ` d s d a y p a s ` w / o s a y i n d i s 2 u . . ` i w u d n t b a s h a p i ` a s i m n o w ` i f i d d n t k n o w u .
Never Break Four things in you life-Trust, Promise, Relation & Heart becasue when they don"t make noise but pains a lot ?"
If sumone throws a stone towards u, throw luv towards him but if sumone throw luv towards u, then sit for a while & think coz luv hurts more than stone.
Once in a life time some1 breaks ur heart & if u still feel 2 hold that person with every broken piece. That amazing pain is called true AFFECTION.
It's not your mistake if you can't read the eyes which cheats you but it's really your mistake if you can't read the eyes which cares you.LOVE YOU