Love is not the

Love is not the
Love is not the moments of the enjoying together,It is the pain of the departure!So keep in touch with love always..

Jan, 18 2012     116 chars (1 sms)     842 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

Sumtyms luv is ironic`its hard 2 find`bt easy to lose`makes u feel good`but hurts u so bad`opens ur eyes`bt makes u blind`fills up ur heart`then tears it apart
When any tension creps into ur mind just close ur eyes think of me & see ur fingers,u'L find my fingers cluctched into say Dn't worry i'm with u.
Learn to Love d people who r willing to Love u at present,4get d people d past and Thank dem 4 hurting u which let u to Love d people u have rite now!
When there is a confusion between your heart and mind, don't listen to your mind because mind knows everything but your heart knows only U.
Love is just like life, its not always easy and does not always bring happiness. but when we do not stop living why should we stop loving
Love opens many doors, each wit a different view... But none could b more beautiful than de door dat leads 2 YOU. I LOVE YOU
If I get scared, wud u hold me tight? If I make a mistake, wud u make it right? If I built fire, wud u watch over d flames? If I say I Luv U, wud u feel d same?
To Luv some1 is madness, 2b loved by some1 is a Gift, Loving some1 who loves u is a duty, but being loved by some1 whom u luv is LIFE.
Love has its ups and downs, its twists and turns. Love leaves you pain, teaches you until you learn and even if love takes so long, it always takes you to where you belong
I would never be tired of you even if I am with you all day long. In fact I grow to like you a little more every day. I love you.
Heres a little hug for U To make you smile when youre blue,To make you happy if youre sad,To let you know life aint so bad!
U learn to love someone wen u find wat makes them smyl, but u can nvr truly luv some1, until u knw wat makes dem cry….