u r as sweet as bailey as strong as tequila as warm as cognac as exotic as malibu as heady as a cocktail & as special as as a champagne. i am simply drunk on U
Sometimes my eyes get jealous of my heart. Know why? Coz you always remain close to my heart and far from my eyes.eyes get jealous of my heart. Know why? Coz you always remain close to my heart and far from my eyes.
If i would know that i’m gonna die tomorrow, i’ll spend 23 hours with u and if u wonder what about the last hour in that i’ll find someone who can take care of u love you always.
When it rains, you dont see the sun, but its there. Hope we can be like that. We dont always see each other, but we will always be there for one another.
I always lose control when ur by my side. u have bcome the light of my life. I always enjoy the time i spend with you. I think i'm falling in love with you!
I have liked many but loved very few. yet no-one has been as sweet as u. I'd stand and wait in the worlds longest queue. just for the pleasure of a moment with u.