A friend is someone

A friend is someone
A friend is someone who knows the song of your heart and who can sing it for you when you have forgotten it

Jan, 13 2012     107 chars (1 sms)     709 views       Friendship

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Friendship is sweeter than honey and greater than money smoother than silk & whiter than milk higher than any tower & stronger than any power
A TRUE frnd is 1 who sees d 1st tear in ur eyes, catche d 2nd 1, stops d 3rd. If 4th 1 comes,thn, slaps u & says... OYE NOTANKI BAND KAR...
When u count best frnds dont count me. When u count close frnds dont count me. but when u really need a friend start frm me!
i made a list of special ppl in my life with pencil,but when i reached ur name i used pen bcoz i decided to keep u forever as my sweet friend.
Friends are the 1st who love u the most, but sometimes hurt u a lot, but then again they r the only ones who feel ur pain the most…
As precious as u r to me, As precious no one can ever be, I know friends r hard to choose, But u r a friend I never want to lose.
Anybody can say "I UNDERSTAND YOUR FEELINGS" but, real friends says "I FEEL YOUR FEELINGS"
Jab rat ko yad unki ati hai,sitaron me unki tasvir nazar ati hai,Khojti hai nigahe us pyare shaks ko,yaad mein jiski subah ho jati hai...
A friend is a push when you have stopped, a chat when you are lonely, a guide when you are searching, a smile when you are sad, a song when you are glad.
Sound becomes music,Movement becomes dance,Smile becomes laughter,Mind becomes meditation & life becomes celebration when friends keep in touch..!!
Life is like Chemistry: DILUTE ur sorrows. EVAPORATE ur worries. FILTER ur happiness. And u will find CRYSTALS of love and friendship....... I found u!!!
I may hurt u 4 few resion but i always like u 4 endless reason coz i hv one good reason that u r my ever loving friend in my life....