Friends & friendship

Friends & friendship
Friends &'s a package of feelings.nobody can make it.nobody can delete it.nobody can explain it.only friends can feel it. happy friendships day..

Jan, 13 2012     159 chars (1 sms)     796 views       Friendship

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Some friends are remembered because of their smile. some friends are remembered because of their style. but u are remembered because u r so nice to remember. take care.
Our friend$hip i$ ju$t like WATER no colour no $hape no place no ta$te But i$ $till e$$ential for living So have it forever.
The day your friends stop bringing their problems to you is the day you have lost your best place in their hearts.
Friends are special treasures of heart. They make you feel loved, needed and secured. It’s often not said but felt.
SMILES are like birds that fly from one face to another. May your lips give them a better NEST,so that they stay there forever.. ..
Life can be hard & not always fun. But as night brings dark Friendship is a promise made in the heart - silently, unwritten, unbreakable by distance, unchangeable by time. Take care always belovedfriend
Friendship is about. bringing out the positive when everything seems negative...being accepted for who you are...being able to pick up right where you left off...sharing, talking, and laughing...Friendship is about us, and for that I am grateful.
"One Beautiful Heart is Better than thousand beautiful Faces." "One Honest wish of sweet friend is stronger than thousand Gods Blessing..
Smiling is complete when it begins wth ur lips,reflects in ur eyes and ends wth glow on ur face wish u many such SMILING DAYS.....
Frndshp is a soft feelngs of heart,Bt its very hard 2 feel & when it feels,its to hard 2 drop BECOZ TRUE frndshp HAPPENS ONCE in Life.
I read in d newspaper dat sending SMS 2 friends means wastage of money..So,aaj se Band ! News paper padna, Yaar!GUD NIGHT DEAR AND SWET DREAMS
LIFE without FRIENDS is... L-onely I-nsecure F-ull of doubt & E-mptiness LIFE with FRIENDS is... L-ight & easy I-nspiring F-ull of hope & E-nthusiasm dats why I need YOU!