Frndship iz lik

Frndship iz lik
Frndship iz lik a needle of a clock. Though we r in a same clock bt we can't meet.Even if we meet its only 4 a second,bt we always stay connected..

Jan, 13 2012     147 chars (1 sms)     728 views       Friendship

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Friendship is a strong and habitual inclination in two persons to promote the good & happiness of one another.
Some wher We were born,Some wher We lived,Wit times We joined,We Live Never Knowing When we'll Die,Till then..We'll b"FRNDS FOREVER"
The Worst thing in life is When Sum One has Tears in their Eyes bcoz of u"and the Best thing in life is When Sum One has Tears in their 4 U
A friend gives LOVE..A gud friend gives PROTECTION..A best friend gives LIFE..But a Real friend gives HEART..LoVe YoU aLL mY FrenZ!
Keep me as a friend I will keep in my heart lock it up & throw the key that no one take you away from me.
Hi gud morning TODAY is WoRLD YELLOW ROSE DAY. If U Luv my Frndshp Give 1 mis call.snd tis 2 al UR FRNDS & see hw many Miscall U gt.
Friends is the heaviest coin in the international Bank of Relations & with your Friendship I"m the richest person on Earth. May this last forever.'.....
Friendship is needless, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.
Genuine friends are those,who care without hesitation, remember without limitations, forgive without any explanations & love even with little communication..
Friendship is sweeter than honey and greater than money smoother than silk & whiter than milk higher than any tower & stronger than any power
One Rose Xclusivly 4 a nice person like u frm an ever nice person like me. Keep d Rose until it dry, keep my Frndship until i die.
Death-where life end hate-where love end divorce- whr maraige end ocean-whr land end frndshp- whr 'i' end 'we' begin.