Don't judge ur

Don't judge ur
Don't judge ur loved ones by the way they speak,Judge them by the way they care,Because care is outcome of true LOVE in any Relationship.GM

Jan, 16 2012     139 chars (1 sms)     891 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

I am not afraid of a fighter who knows 1000 kicks,But I am afraid of the one who has practiced 1 kick 1000 times. GM
When it is hard for u to hide ur tears..Then never mind..start choppin an onion..let d heart Cry..u just Smile n blame d onion..G'mrng
Wen u get little,u want more.Wen u get more,u desire even more.But wen u lose it u realise"little" was enough..GD MRNG
Memories r treasure dat nobody can steal!But they can leave behind a pain 4 d moments when d dear ones are at a distance..GM
Character is Like a Book!It Takes Seconds to BurnBut it Takes years to PrintSo Print it Carefully&NEVER Let It Burn.GM
PLeasure In Ur Heart;Warmth InUr Soul;Success InUr Life;SmiLe On Ur Face;Fragrance Of Love InUr Home;May These Be Ur's ForEver:GooD MorninG.
Nice people are the best part of our memories, that time can never erase and when l am blessed with people like you, my memories are always worth treasuring.GD MRNG
If someone points out your mistake, be happy that atleast someone is interested what you have done...Sweet Morning.
Just Love When Morning Gets Here, Bkz I Can Send A Great Big Morning Sms To My Bestest Friend. What A Lovely Way To Start My Day.. . .
Memories are the treasures that we keep ocked deep within the storehouse of our souls, to keep our hearts warm when we are lonely. GOOD MORNING
The first Sunlight to touch Your face Is MY WHISPER to GOD to Take care of You And To make ur day a PLEASANT..!
Dont waste time 4 nwanted things,thoughts etc.Take time 4 better ones.It will lead u 2 success.'TIME IS PRECIOUS,LIFE IS SHORT'Be always happy..gud mrng