The Loser says

The Loser says
The Loser says "Its Possible but its Difficult". The Winner says "Its Difficult but its Possible". Always Think like Winner. Have a NICE DAY

Jan, 16 2012     140 chars (1 sms)     1009 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Every Change Has A Reason, Every Reason Has A Source, Dont Search For The Source But Live With The Change. Life Is Yours.GD MRNG
Success is like a beautiful lover it will leave us at any time,but failure is like a mother it will teach us some important lessons of life. Good m6ning.
This is a chocolate msg for a dairy milk person from a fivestar friend for a melody reason at a kitkat time on a munch day in a perk mood. Gud MRNG.
'G'od 'O'ffers U His 'O'utstanding 'D'evotion to 'M'ake U 'O'bedient& 'R'eady for a 'N'ew Day to 'I'nitiate 'N'ew Aim for d 'G'lory of Life! Gud mrng
Tears R Better Than Smile B'coz,.U Can Smile at Everyone,.But.U'll Cry 4 Only One,.Who is Special 2 ur Heart!GM
"I am" is d shortest sentence in d English language.Cld it be that "I Do" is d longest sentence-The best way out of a difficulty is through it.GM
Life is like math. Friends ko plus kro , dushman ko minus kro, khushion ko multiply kro, Gham ko divide kro, aur hamesha muskrao. Gd mrng
Respect the old when you are young,Help the week when you are strong ,confess the fault when you are wrong Because someday in life u will be old,weak,and wrong . Good morning
She's HOT.! She's swt.! She's refreshing.! she alwz needs a lip kiss.! who's she? guess guess she's 'TEA' chaay piyo mast jiyo.gudmrning
Morning is Silent,Morning is Calm,Morning is Beautiful,But Morning is not complete,Without wishing u Good and Wonderful Day.
Receive my simple gift of Good Morning wrapped with sincerity,Tied with care & Sealed with a prayer to keep u safe whole day!GOOD MORNING…
Don't only be close with someone who makes u happy.B close with sum1 who can't b hapy without U,it makes a lot of difference in life:GM