Take but GIVE more

Take but GIVE more
Take but GIVE more. Hate but LOVE more. Order but AGREE more. Talk but LISTEN more. Forget but FORGIVE more & IT Will Come Back to U.Gd mg

Jan, 16 2012     138 chars (1 sms)     917 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

"Write ur sad times on sand n Good times on stone. "Think about this,n live ur life".gd mrng
Tackle life with all ur skill to overcome each & every hill; if u persist with all ur will, u will enjoy ur life & all its thrill... so just chill !!
If U can solve ur problem, then what is need of worrying? If U cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying. Gd mrng
Real fact:No one in the world is afraid to speak the truth..Evrybdy is afraid only to face the consequenses aftr the truth is let out!GM
Birds are Chillaing, Hens are kukding, Sun is Uging, Moon's is doobing, Sky is Whiting, peacock are Naching.All are kahing Good morning R U Suning.
If you wake up, it’s a chance to achieve,If you go back to sleep it’s a lost chance.
Hardwork is like staircase & luck is like a lift. Lift may fail sometimes but whatever may be the situation, stairs will always get u 2 the top….GM
Between yesterdays mistakes n tomorrow hope, there is a fantastic opportunity called TODAY!!! so live it in your own style, rock ur life.GM
May your salty day be peppered with spicy love. May u bask in lemon sunshine, play on strawberry fields, under a vanilla sky. In short have a Yummy day!
"The Man Who Is Always Smiling Doesn't Mean That He Has No Problem.But The Smile Shows That He Has The Ability To Overcome All The Prblms." Good morning
Faith makes all things possible, Hope makes all things work, Love makes all things beautiful, May u have all the 3, As u begin each day.good morning
Last night,thinking of u,one tear rolled out,i asked why ur out? Tear said there is someone so beautiful in ur eyes,now there is no place for me.... Good Morng!