Hapines cant b traveled 2 ownedearnedor consumedits d spiritual xprience of living evry sec wid luv grace & gratitudehv hapy days alwayzGud morning...--
! You don't text often. You don't text much. It makes me feel sad coz we're out of touch. The message is clear. There's someone I really miss and it's you my dear! Good morning
Life bcomes a burden when we struggle 2 be with some1 who does not even knw hw much we luv them. But it bcomes even worse when they know it & still we struggle.GM
Life never seems to be d way we want it, But we LIVE it the best way we can.There is no perfect LIFE but we can fill it with PERFECT MOMENT. Gud Morning
"Desire is never satisfied by the enjoyment of the objects of desire. It grows from more and more, as does the fire to which fuel is added."Good morning--
A cup of hot hello's, A plate of crispy wishes, A spoon of sweet smiles and A slice of great success, hope this snacks makes ur day lovely colorful morng,