Its better to

Its better to
Its better to be in chains with friends, than to be in a garden with strangers.GD MRNG

Jan, 16 2012     86 chars (1 sms)     843 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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D wrst thng in lif is 'ATTACHMENT'- It hrts whn u lose itd bst tng in life is 'LONELINESS' bcoz it teches u evrythn n whn u lose it,u gt evrythnG.GM
When you don't havfaith in urself,then u cannot havfaith in other's also.To cross a bridge,U have to trust Urlegs, & also the bridge.GM
Most relationships fail not coz of d absence of love.. Love iz always present, it's just that, one loves too much n d other loves too many.GD MRNG
A famous saying by Buddha on AngeR U will not be punished for ur anger. U will b punished by ur anger. So stay cool all times.GM
Man's Rise or Fall,Success R Failure, Happiness R Unhappiness Depends on his Attitudea man's Attitude will Create D Situation he Imagine.Gud morning…
Don’t take life too seriously & always find time to laugh coz laughter not only add years to ur life, but adds more Life to ur Years. Have nice day
An interesting thought-Life is like this:"Just when we get all the answers of life… God wil change the question paper itself.."Life is Always unknown.GM
Memories are always special. sometimes we laugh by remembering the days we cried. and we cry by remembering the days we laughed. thats life..good morning
The wrong kind of people dislike u for the gud in u & the right kind of people luv 4 knwing even d bad in U.Dat maks a perfct relation.GM
NO & YES r short words which need long thought. Most of d troubles in Life r the result of saying.YES too soonorNO too late.gdMRNG
Whenever u think about me, remember me. Then just send me sms with names.But don't expect the same from me, bcoz i can't send u sms for every second.Gd mrng
On the New Day, it is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal and that every path may lead to Prosperity. Have a nice day