Somebody once asked

Somebody once asked
Somebody once asked god,"What suprises you most, about Mankind..?"God replied... "they lose their health to make money and then, lose their money to restore their health...By thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present...Such that, they live neither for the present nor for the future...They live as if they will never die and they die, as if they had never lived..."Wish you a joyful & healthful day!"

Jan, 16 2012     419 chars (3 sms)     831 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

people are not beautiful as they look as they walk as they wear,people are Beautiful as they love ,as they care and as they share.good morning
Luck is not in your hand. But work is in your hands.Your work can make luck But Luck cant make your work.So always trust yorself than yr
SMILE is a Source to Win a Heart..SMILE is a Name of Lovely Mood..SMiLE Creates Greatness in Personality!So KEEP SMILING.GM
Everything in life is temporary coz everything changes! That’s why it takes great courage to love, knowing it might end anytime… but having the faith it’ll last forever
Measuring life by what others do for u may disappoint u. But measuring life by what u do for others will add more meaning 2 ur life...!! Gd day
3magical words of Life 1.PLEASE 2.THANK U 3.SORRY . Bt don't use these words 2 3 persons: 1.FRIENDS 2.LOVER 3.MOTHER.GM
Laughing faces don't mean that there is absence of sorrow, but they mean that there is the ability to deal with it. Keep smiling!!!gd mrng
Confidence comes naturally wit SuccessBtSuccess comes onlyto those, who rConfidentSo, Begin ur days witgreat confidence.
I Don 't Know The Key To Success ,But The Key To FAilure Is Trying To PleAse Everybody.LeAve the HesitAtion Live the Life With Freedom..GM
Do not pray for easy lives.Pray to be stronger.Do not pray for task equal to ur powers.Pray for powers equal to your tasks.GOOD MORNING
Life can b hard, not alwaz fun, wen nite brings darknes & mornin brings sun,wen life seems tuff & nobody seems 2 care.Dear dil se yaad karna i wil b there!
Don't judge ur loved ones by the way they speak,Judge them by the way they care,Because care is outcome of true LOVE in any Relationship.GM