Wen life seems to be a journey thru a dark tunnel, just take me along... I dont promise 2 lead U to light, But I can assure U tht U are Not Alone..Good mornin
When time comes 4 u to give ur hearts to someone, make sure u select someone who wil nevr breaks ur heart, bcoz broken hearts has never spare parts…Gd MRNG
I may b gone 4 a min 4 an hr 4 a day 4 a mth but i'l alwys b ther 4 u. i may nt b able 2 alwys say gd evning gd night but i promise i'l nvr say GUD BYE.
little faith says "U can do it"Big faith says"U will do it"But Great faith says"consider It done!"Nothing is imposible wen U belive in urself Good Morning