When time comes 4 u to give ur hearts to someone, make sure u select someone who wil nevr breaks ur heart, bcoz broken hearts has never spare parts…Gd MRNG
Worries always look big if you have it in your heart. But when you learn to share it with your dears, you will realize how small and simple it is..Gud mrng
Ppl often feel smthin but express smthin else Dey mean smthin but say smthin else So learn d art of sayin nothin in such a way dat it leavs nothin unsaid...!
Gud mrng d sun is up time 2 fill ur coffe cup. d day is new & how it will be is up 2 u. makes plan 2 purse what it is that u seek so that u can stand on d highest peak filled wd delight hv a fantastic day
Could you do me a faVour..? Put Ur left hand over ur RIGHT Shoulder then Ur Right hand to ur LEFT Shoulder There! I’have just given u a hug! (”,) G’d mOrning…!!!