May ur heart b

May ur heart b
May ur heart b happy & ur days b bright.May ur roads b smooth & ur burdens light.May u find dreams & touch a star & never forget how special U R.G'Mrng

Jan, 16 2012     151 chars (1 sms)     977 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Life is like view from your window. If you dont like it, you cant change it. But you can change the way you look at it. Then see how beautiful life is.GM.--
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything...they just make the most of everything that comes along their mrng
Everyone is good to us untill , we expect nothing from them..... And we are too good for them untill we fulfill their expectations.... Gud morning
Hello Ji Gud Mrng Ji Aap Kaise Ho Ji Aap Theek Hona Ji Ok Ji Keep Msg Ji Hum Hai Rahi Pyar Ke Fir Milenge Ji Chalte Chalte Hav A Nice Day Ji
Sun Is Switched On! Stars Are Switched Off!Black Sky Goes Down & Blue Sky Comes Up!So A Cool Mrng. Is Coming!So Wake UpHave Sweet Mrng. Gud Morning
Don’t see others doing better than you…! beat your own records everyday…! bcoz, success is a fight between you & yourself not with others…good morning
Shakespear said,Don't worry!bcoz if U're worried u get a wrinkle,So why dont u smile & get a dimple.Always smile & be happy.GD MRNG
We never have what we like, we never like what we have, still we live, love and hope that some day we will get what we love or love what we have. That"s Life...Good Morning"
This lovely morning, Even though the sun is out shining, Now that you opened your gorgeous eyes, The whole place has brightened up, Good morning and have a great day.
The Worst pAin in Life is Wen some one u know Turns into Some one u knew."ReAd CareFully,Its nice & True.!GOOD DAY
Welcome the fresh morning with a "smile" on ur 'face", "Love" in ur "Heart" and 'Good Thoughts" in ur mind & You ll have a wonderful day.
Appreciate life itself even if it's not a bed of roses. Contentment is not fulfillment of what u wish 4 but appreciation of what u have. Gud morning.