Welcome d new morning with a "Smile" on ur "Face","Love" in ur "Heart"."Gud Thoughts" in ur"Mind"& U will hav a Wondrful Day. Wish U A Lovely Morning. God bless.
Sweet good morning to a sweet person who passed sweet night to saw sweet dreams now wants to pass the sweet day with sweet talks. Always keep smilling Gud mrng
Life is full of beautiful things : soft sunset,pointed Rainbow, dedicate blossoms,love & laughter ,Quiet moments & fantastic people like U & ME.gd mrng
These are just 16 letters yet they mean so much when warmly sent just to keep in touch.(>*<) T*A*K*E* (<<**>>);;""C*A*R*E* @$##(>>^^^<<)##$@ OF URSELF..$#%% Good Morning.... ""