A famous saying by

A famous saying by
A famous saying by Buddha on AngeR U will not be punished for ur anger. U will b punished by ur anger. So stay cool all times.GM

Jan, 16 2012     128 chars (1 sms)     756 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

New Morning + New Aim + New Achievement + UR Dedication + Committment = SUCCESS Just TRY it & Win the Day! Good Morning & Have a Great day!
All Power isWithin uU can doAnything &everythingBeliev in that.You Are the Creator ofYour Own Destiny.-"Swami Vivekanand".Gud morning.
An ideal day should begin with a cute little yawn on your face, a cup of coffee in your hand & a sms from me on your mobile?! have a great day! good morning.
Education gives quality of life.Money givs quality of respect.Wife gives quality of love.but friendship gives quality of heart.Gd mng
U R MY BESTSMARTBLE, SWEETEST N INTELIGENT FRIEND.NOTE:- Is msg k sbhi shabd kalpnik he, Inka wastawik jivan se koi sambandh nahi hai..Gud day.
How can u spell "N_CE"without "I"?"POL_TE"without "I"?How can u"SM_LE" without "I"?How can u"W_SH"without"I"?see,"I’m very important…good morning.
This lovely morning, Even though the sun is out shining, Now that you opened your gorgeous eyes, The whole place has brightened up, Good morning and have a great day.
A busy life makes prayers harder, But prayers make a hard and busy life easier. So always keep praying and remember me in your prayers.GD MRNG
If U want to enjoy,alwys think today is the 1st day,But if U wnt to achieve sumthing alwys think today is the last day....Good m'ing
SOMETHING TO FOLLOW:"No dog will hurt u if u beat it with a bone! So always use the right weapon 2 handle wrong people!"gud mrng!
Ppl often feel smthin but express smthin else Dey mean smthin but say smthin else So learn d art of sayin nothin in such a way dat it leavs nothin unsaid...!
"Desire is never satisfied by the enjoyment of the objects of desire. It grows from more and more, as does the fire to which fuel is added."Good morning--