Morning does not

Morning does not
Morning does not mean that you have to get up and work again. Mornin is God’s way of saying that He loves you so much He wants you to be live another beautiful day. GUD MORNING

Jan, 16 2012     176 chars (2 sms)     854 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

"Be big enough to admit mistakes, Smart enough to profit from them & strong enough to correct them"! Have a Great Morning
5 frogs r sitting on a wall!4 decide to jump off.How many left now??still 5.There's a lot of difference betweenDeciding & Doing Have a great day.
Somebody once asked god,"What suprises you most, about Mankind..?"God replied... "they lose their health to make money and then, lose their money to restore their health...By thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present...Such that, they live neither for the present nor for the future...They live as if they will never die and they die, as if they had never lived..."Wish you a joyful & healthful day!"
Alwys b d reson of sum1nc hpins,nvr b jst a prt of it.B a prt of sum1nc sadns nvr b d reson 4 it..GM
fresh morning fresh day fresh smile fresh faces fresh lifebut still the same good old love..,wish u have a refreshing day..Good Morning
Sendin GOOD MORNING daily is not jus a formality.Its d art of saying dat i remember U daily.I wont say"Hav a nice day",rather i wud say"Make it a nice day"!!
Worst thng in life is ''ATTACHMENT'' it hurts wen u lose it Best thng in life is ''LONELINESS'' it teaches u evrythng & wen u lose it,u get evrythng.GD MRNG
This is a chocolate msg for a dairy milk person from a fivestar friend for a melody reason at a kitkat time on a munch day in a perk mood. Gud MRNG.
The smile is like a simcard and life is like a Cellphone,whenever you insert the Simcard of a smile a beautiful day is activated…
Missed calls Reachs the Mobile.Recivd Call Reaches the Ears.But my msg Reaches Ur Beautiful Eyes & Loveable Heartz.So!I Always Like 2 Send MSGs.GD MRNG
Don't judge ur loved ones by the way they speak,Judge them by the way they care,Because care is outcome of true LOVE in any Relationship.GM
'TIME' is a rare luxury whch can never be purchased at any cost.So wen some1 spends it 4 u, it defines d depth of care for.GM