A nice saYing: "The

A nice saYing: "The
A nice saYing: "The depth of Your character will be revealed in the waY You respond to situations You dislike...!" Gm

Jan, 16 2012     117 chars (1 sms)     882 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

When it is hard for u to hide ur tears.. Then never mind.. start choppin an onion.. let d heart Cry.. u just Smile n blame d onion.GD MRNG
Good morning n have a day of knowing that the flow of positive communication can soften the hardest of hearts. Good Day
"Every morning is the symbol of rebirth of our life".To make the day's life beautiful is in our hands.wish U a very Brightful Day. Good morning--
Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him.GM
Morning is not only sunrise but a beautiful miracle of god dat defeats the darkness n spreads light,may this b one more beautiful day for U..HAVE A NICE DAY....
Life is very short.So BREAK silly RULES. Forgive quickly,Believe slowly, love truly, Laugh loudly & Never avoid anything that makes U smile.GM
"The Heart suffers a lot, not because of "VIOLENCE" of other people, But Bcoz of "SILENCE" of Dear ones. So dont be SILENT. Gud MRNG
Waves r always our inspiration ,not bcoz of they look beautiful... But whenever they go down they come up with a greater speed.... G'Mrng!
What is the secret of success? "Right Decisions" How do you make right decisions? "Experience" How do you get experience? "Wrong Decisions" =)gd mrng
I MISS YOU in every beats of heart, In every blink of my eyes,In every second of Time and...In every moment of the Day !good morning
Memories are always special. sometimes we laugh by remembering the days we cried. and we cry by remembering the days we laughed. thats life..good morning
Ur words are not my disturbance. The disturbance is ur silence. So don’t disturb me wth ur Silence. Alwys disturb the Silence Btween us.GM