Sucess without a

Sucess without a
Sucess without a positive attiude is called LUCK but sucess with a positive attitude is called ACHIEVEMENT. Gud mrng

Jan, 16 2012     116 chars (1 sms)     932 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

If you MisS an OpportuniTy, do not Fillup ur eYes with TeaRs! KeeP yoUr visioN CLEAR, so thAt you will Not misS the neXt onE...!! G.m.
'In a hot day, when I look 4 a place to hide,I can't find any place cooler than ur heart. So pls don't push me out! Good Morning!
A ROYAL ENGLISH WAY OF TELLING GOOD MORNING..Birds are chilakking..Hen is kooving..Flowers are pushping..Moon is Maraying..Sun is udikki
Never hesitate in taking risks & working hard BCoz "u have2 dive deep in2 d sea 2 find d pearls.They're never found on d shores".Gud mornin
Every tear is a sign of weakness…Every silence is a sign of loneliness…Every SMS is a sign of remembrance..Gd mrng
I send my care 2 to the wind n told the wind 2 pass them to U. So when u feel the wind blowin against ur face its me saying take care & Always be fit & happy.GM
I still remmbr d day I send a sms 2 U sayin"sender is Cool & reader is Fool"u Got Angry & replied"sender is Fool & reader is Cool"u r a Genius.GM
Be patient when God does not give you what you want. He knows the best time for you to have it. Just remember that you can have it all. You just can't have it all at once.
Faith makes all things possible, Hope makes all things work, Love makes all things beautiful, May u have all the 3, As u begin each day.good morning
Losing d person u lov hurts.Some people say u'll get over it easily but its really tough especily whn d 1 u loved was d only 1 u ever loved....Gud Mrng
"We love ourself even after doing thousand mistakes..Then how can we hate others for one mistake?"GM
Life is so short.So break rules,Forgive quickly,Believe slowly,love truly,Laugh loudly & Never avoid anything that makes U smile..!gud mrg.