Be MorE Concerned

Be MorE Concerned
Be MorE Concerned AbouT YouR CharacteR ThaN YouR ReputationN BecausE YouR CharacteR Is WhO YoU ArE AnD YoU ReputaioN Is WhaT OtherS ThinK Of YoU!!!GD MRNG

Jan, 16 2012     154 chars (1 sms)     1162 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

A Lovely thought...."Death is not the greatest loss in life.....the greatest loss is -what dies in you when you are alive..Good Day
The amazing truth about a human TONGUE:It takes 3 YEARS to learn HOW 2 use it. But,It takes LIFETIME 2 learn WHEN & WHERE to use it.GD MRNG
Luck is not in your hand. But work is in your hands.Your work can make luck But Luck cant make your work.So always trust yorself than yr
"Leav SOMETHING 4 SOMEONE.. Never leave SOMEONE 4 SOMETHING.Bcoz in lif,SOMETHING ll leave u,but SOMEONE wil always live with U":GM
A nice saYing: "The depth of Your character will be revealed in the waY You respond to situations You dislike...!" Gm
Birds are Chillaing, Hens are kukding, Sun is Uging, Moon's is doobing, Sky is Whiting, peacock are Naching.All are kahing Good morning R U Suning.
Smile is theLighting systemof the Face.Cooling systemof Heart. Charging systemof Mind.Pain or pleasure, maintain a smileSo keep on smiling.Gud morning.
Go to window look outside,someone is waiting for ur smile.Found the sun i have sent the sun to say u gd mrng
Sun cant come2 earth but send love as rays.Cloud cant come 2 river but send love as rain.I cant come 2 U but can send my care as msg to "U".gd mrng
Ordinary people don't value their own time rather try to waste others time. so keep yourself away from these people. good morning
(G)od(O)ffers us(O)utstanding(D)evotion 2(M)ake us(O)bedient &(R)eady 4(N)ew day 2(I)nitiate(N)ew Aim 4 the(G)lory of Life.GD MG.
"Delay" is the enemy of efficiency,"Waiting" is the enemy of utilisation.So,Don't delay anything&Don't wait for mrng