A child on a farm sees a plain flying by overhead n dreams ofa far away place. A traveler on d plain sees d farm n dreamsof that. That"s life. We never realized d value of the thingunless it moves away frm us. Enjoy d moment u hav with u.Gud Day
Sometimes, the best way to find what you're looking for is to stop looking for it. The answers are usually within us and the harder we try to look ahead, the further we get from what's right in front of us.gd mrng
I ask the Lord to bless you, As I pray for you today; To guide you and protect you, As you go along your way. His love is always with you, His promises are true. And when you give Him all your cares, You know He'll see you through.gd mrng
Be MorE Concerned AbouT YouR CharacteR ThaN YouR ReputationN BecausE YouR CharacteR Is WhO YoU ArE AnD YoU ReputaioN Is WhaT OtherS ThinK Of YoU!!!GD MRNG