We're not too

We're not too
We're not too close in distance. We're not too near in miles. But text can still touch our hearts and thoughts can bring us smiles. Good morning!

Jan, 16 2012     145 chars (1 sms)     894 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Life is like a chess game. There should not be any move without valid reason. Once U moved to a wrong position, it's very difficult 2 set back.
Not all angels have wings some have cell phones too. Thats why your angel is txting you right now greeting you “HELLO” and wishing you to be safe all the time
Being silent is a very powerful tool 4 making others feel for their mistakes.It speaks many languages''.GD MRNG
Gud relations dnt need anyPromises,Terms & Conditions.It just need 2Wonderful People "One who canTrust & OneWho Can Understand''.
With petals of roses,palm full of holly water,light of full sun,fragrance of flower and grass with dew.i wish u a very special good morning.
thought 4 a lifetme… (cant beat dis msg!!!!) "don’t let sum1 bcum a priority in ur life when u r just an option in their life!"GD MRNG
A true message for life:-Care should be in Heart and not in Words.....!Anger should be in Words and not in Heart..GOOD MORNING
Troubles r like washing machine; They twist, turn & knock us around, but in the end we come out brighter than before Have a nice day!
Character is Like a Book!It Takes Seconds to BurnBut it Takes years to PrintSo Print it Carefully&NEVER Let It Burn.GM
The good deed you do today For a brother or sister in need Will come back to you some day For humanity's a circle in deed.gd mrng
Trust should be like the feeling that one year old baby has : when u throw him in air, he laughs.. Because he is sure you'll catch him..gd mrng
The value of life does not depend on the length of time on this Earth but rather on the amount of love given and shared to the people we care about .gd mrng