Friends r like crayonsthey

Friends r like crayonsthey
Friends r like crayonsthey colour our livesi may not b ur favourite colorbt hope u ll need me sumwhr to complete ur picture..!G'mrng

Jan, 16 2012     132 chars (1 sms)     851 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Nothing happens without a reason...A person who has come into your life has come either to teach u something or to learn something from U..Gud Mrng!
Clocks make a sound as tick tick..But it's not tick tick..It's real sound is Quick Quick..Bcoz time is precious!GM
Water falls from a hill,it nevr thinks it had fallenit raises 2 run as a un stoppable Rive rLife is not Falling but RISING AT EVERY FALL…GM
"Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have." Enjoy every bitBe happy and make others happy..Gud mrng
What is the secret of success? "Right Decisions" How do you make right decisions? "Experience" How do you get experience? "Wrong Decisions" =)gd mrng
Never hesitate in taking risks & working hard BCoz "u have2 dive deep in2 d sea 2 find d pearls.They're never found on d shores".Gud mornin
A Moment of Patience in a Moment of Anger Can Help You Avoid a Thousand Moments of Sorrow ..Good Morning!Smile AlwaysHave a wonderful day
Friends r like crayonsthey colour our livesi may not b ur favourite colorbt hope u ll need me sumwhr to complete ur picture..!G'mrng
No One Has Ever Achieved Greatness by Playing it Safe becoz when U go in Search of Honey, it is Obvious to be Stung by Bees...Gud Mrng!
If God ans ur Prayer, He's incrasing ur Faith, If He Delays, He's increasing ur Patience. If He doesn't ans, then He Known U Can Handle it Prfectly Well!.gd mrng
It is a"S"imple"M"ind touching"I"nteractive"L"ong lasting"E"ffectwhich Wins the hearts.Yes.. It is your SWEET SMILE." So Keep Smiling.GM
Its easy to convince one who is in anger but its not easy to compromise one who is disappointed. Never disappoint a person who cares about U. Good mrng