Painting is a

Painting is a
Painting is a feeling never spoil it. FACE is a book try to read it. FRIENDSHIP is like a mirror don't break it.

Jan, 13 2012     112 chars (1 sms)     745 views       Friendship

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The more Silently love is expressed, The more it is deeply bound to impress. No wonder GOD loves us in silence & gives us d miracle of good friends
Hand in Hand,walk an extra mile, Remember on this earth v r 4 a while, Smile n make every1 smile, Coz thats the way 2live LIFE IN STYLE…
Some friends are remembered because of their smile. some friends are remembered because of their style. but u are remembered because u r so nice to remember. take care.
R we friends or r we not u told me once but i 4got 4 all da friends i'v eva met ur da 1 i won't 4get n if i die b4 u do i'll go 2 heaven n wait 4 u.
Frndship isn't abt-it's ur faultbut it's abouti'm sorryIt's not abt-where r ubut it's abouti m here 4u.Its nt abt-hw cud ubut itz abtI undrstnd..
If ur friendship be money, I'll be richest man. If ur friendship be pounds, I'll be heaviest man. If ur friendship be luv, I'll be luckiest man. But ur friendship is trust & I'm the happiest man
How 2 grow frndshp? Pick a gud heart .plant in a pot of trust,water with gud thoughts.Add sum emotions & remove d misunderstanding & nourish.RESULT FRIEND 4EVEr
Love is a DEBIT CARD Life is a CREDIT CARD Wife is a VISA CARD Lover is a ATM CARD But,FRNDSHIP is WARANTY CARD Keep it safe dear
dete ho kyu ye dard bus humi ko kya samjoge tum in ankho ki nami ho u to hoge lakho dewane is chand k chand kya mehsus karega 1 tare ki kami ko
HI CUTY!!! The seven magical colors of Joy, affection, Sorrow, Love, Care, Trust & Helping combines to form a colorful rainbow known as.....FrIeNdShIp...
Friendship is a relation beyond the limits of cast, crate and region. try your best for maintain it.
Love is like a fire. Whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn your house down, you’ll never know