As we go

As we go
As we go on we remembar all d times we had 2gether.&as our life changes cum whateva we will still be “friends forever”

Jan, 13 2012     118 chars (1 sms)     852 views       Friendship

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Nobody understands d reason y we meet in this life’s journey. we’re not related by blood, we don’t know each other from d start.. but god puts us together to b wonderful frnds by heart!!!
There are many sunday, There are many monday but i like only one day, that is friendship day.
Like a rose needs 'water' Like a season needs 'change'.Like poet needs 'pen'. I need u as a 'true fried'z.
A Rose Is Always A Rose Either It Is Planted In A GoldPot OrIn A Mud Same Way ul Always B My best frnd Either u r In Central Jail Or In home
Band rakhte he juban Lab khola nae karate,chandk age sitare bola nae krate,yad krate he apko har pal kitna,ye raz hum jubanse khola nae karte
Forever in my heart, u wood be cherished & in my mind ur always thought of, we may be far away but in my heart u remain 1 of the special person I gained in life. I'm blessed to hv a Friend Like u.
A very original happy friendship day, ONLY 4 U. Beware of cheap & duplicate wishes in the market. I'm the only authorized dealer for friendship wishes. Enjoy!!
Painting is a feeling never spoil it. FACE is a book try to read it. FRIENDSHIP is like a mirror don't break it.
A twinkle in ur eye made my day,ur smile made my week,ur laugh made my month,ur sweetness made my year,ur friendship made my LIFE.
“F-R-I-E-N-D-S- are like balloons; once u let them go, u cant ever bring them back, that’s Y I’ve tied U tight to my -H-E-A-R-T-”.
D best cosmetic 4 lips– truth, 4 voice– prayer,, 4 eyes– pity,, 4 hand is charity,, n 4 life is ur frndshp….
Param mittr, pranam,"Apka sandesh nahi milne se hum ati vichlit hote hain. Kripya apne "Chalit durbhaash yantr" se Laghu Sandesh bhejte rahe"Subha Prabhat*