when clouds break rain falls. when coconut break water falls. when love break tears falss but when friendship break life falls so never break friendship.
How 2 grow friendship? pick a good heart, plant in a pot of trust, water with good thoughts, add some emotions and faith, remove the misunderstanding and nourish it.
The wrong kind of people dislikes you 4 the good in you &The right kind of peoples like you knowing even the bad in you. That makes a Friendship strong.
A very original happy friendship day, ONLY 4 U. Beware of cheap & duplicate wishes in the market. I'm the only authorized dealer for friendship wishes. Enjoy!!
1 injection of trust, 1 tablet of care, 1 syrup of attention, 1 drip of understanding, take 3 times a day! its all necessary 4 the health of our frndship
d word "honcho" cums 4m a Japanese word meaning "squad leader" & first came into usage in the English language during d American occupation of Japan following WW II