Many frnds will

Many frnds will
Many frnds will come in2 life just as rain on earth,but only sum will take D best place like the drop which fortunately bcomes a pearl

Jan, 13 2012     134 chars (1 sms)     837 views       Friendship

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When u feel empty, sad & all alone,just dont 4get thatthere will alwys betwo gud personswho will neverleave u"G0D" Up there,&"ME" down here.
When the present be past, and ...... only memories last, dear be my friend, 'UNTIL END'.
Freindship is "More clear than water", "More pure than gold", "More sweet than honey", So thanks for sharing God's beautiful gift with me..
when clouds break rain falls. when coconut break water falls. when love break tears falss but when friendship break life falls so never break friendship.
A friend gives hope wen life is low.A friend is a place where you can go.A friend is honest A frnd is true.A frnd is precius.A frnd is u
How 2 grow friendship? pick a good heart, plant in a pot of trust, water with good thoughts, add some emotions and faith, remove the misunderstanding and nourish it.
The wrong kind of people dislikes you 4 the good in you &The right kind of peoples like you knowing even the bad in you. That makes a Friendship strong.
A very original happy friendship day, ONLY 4 U. Beware of cheap & duplicate wishes in the market. I'm the only authorized dealer for friendship wishes. Enjoy!!
1 injection of trust, 1 tablet of care, 1 syrup of attention, 1 drip of understanding, take 3 times a day! its all necessary 4 the health of our frndship
d word "honcho" cums 4m a Japanese word meaning "squad leader" & first came into usage in the English language during d American occupation of Japan following WW II
Days passes by leaving beautiful memories. Words remains in the form of stories.But, relationship always remains in the heart like heart beat.
Each Day I Meet Sum1 New,But Never Find Another u,The World Is Full Of People Its True,Yet No one Ever Equals a friend Like U.