why is it

why is it
“why is it when you love someone so much that you can never find the right words to tell them?”

Jan, 13 2012     95 chars (1 sms)     787 views       Friendship

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The more Silently love is expressed, The more it is deeply bound to impress. No wonder GOD loves us in silence & gives us d miracle of good friends
it is realy amazng wen two stanger becom frnds bt its raly sad wen two frnds becom stranger . hope it wud nvr happen with .. we will frnds 4evr
Remberance is the sweetest flower in the garden of friendship. A friend is a person who nevr think of the last 3 letters of the word FRIEND.
Don’t Love a Friend who Hurts U Don’t Hurt a Friend who Loves U.
Keep messaging me & win exciting prizes. 1st prize-LOTS OF LOVE, 2 nd prize-LIFETIME FRIENDSHIP.3rd prize-FREE STAY IN MY HEART, offer valid till I'am a LIVE.
I would like 2 officially announce that I am already accepting friendshipday gifts in cash, cheques, chocolates, luv & airtime. Avoid rush, Send Now! Thank U!
Stars are seen together,yet they r so far apart !good friends may not speak everyday ,but remember they r always linked' heart to heart"
Genuine friends are those,who care without hesitation, remember without limitations, forgive without any explanations & love even with little communication..
Few Excellent Friends are Better than Many Good Friends & 1 Sincere Cool & Caring Friend z Müch Better than Few Excellent Friends!
No 1 person can possibly combine all the elements supposed 2 make up what everyone means by friendship.
Friendship is not a game to play, It is not a word to say, It doesn't start on March and ends on May, It is tomorrow, yesterday, today and everyday
Behind ur smile I know there r sorrows, Behind ur laughter I know there r tears, And I want u 2 know that behind u I am always there 4 u.