Success lies not

Success lies not
Success lies not in the results, but in the efforts. Being the best is not so important, doing the best is all that matters... Good Morning

Jan, 16 2012     139 chars (1 sms)     835 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Defeat is not when u fall down, it is when u refuse to get up..! So keep getting up everytime u fall.. Thats attitude of life. GOOD MORNING....
A strong and positive attitude creates more miracles than any other thing because life is 10% how U make it and 90% how U take it..
Have a Icy Morning with Buttering Messages, Chocolaty Calls, Creamy Thoughts, Fruity Funs with Jumpy Joys. Have a Swt Day! *Gud Mrng*
Think twice before you hurt someone.It may be tempting, and very satisfying,but is it worth to loose such a friend just to satisfy your temptations GOOD MORNING
Never get Tired of Doing Little Things for others Becoz sometimes those little things occupy the Biggest part in their Heart..GM
Evryday is specialif u THINK so Evry moment is memorable if u FEEL so Evry1 is unique if u SEE so Life is Beautifulif u LIVE so Gud mrng.
Don't make ur feelings like the garden, Everybody walk on it. But let it be like the sky. Everybody wishes 2 touch it.....! GM
A Blind Person asked Swami Vivekanand: "Can there be any thing worse than losing you Sight ?" He replied: "Yes, losing your VISION mrng
True wealth is not a matter of bank accounts and assets its in the values we live and share as well as the person we keep in touch with & care gud morning
Best thought 2 be remembered - "Work for a Cause and not for Applause " & "Live to Express urself and not to Impress some one else...!!"Good morning.
Dont Go d Way Life TakesU.Take Life d Way U Want to Go.Just b urself,dnt compromise always,Remembr U r Born to Rule not to be Ruled. B a 'WARRIOR in
Just Love When Morning Gets Here, Bkz I Can Send A Great Big Morning Sms To My Bestest Friend. What A Lovely Way To Start My Day.. . .