Be thankful 4 every

Be thankful 4 every
Be thankful 4 every morning u wake up to a brand new day of ur adventure in LIFE god knows how to make ur day right, Look up and say "God be my Guide."

Jan, 16 2012     151 chars (1 sms)     902 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

"To Be Successful'U need Friends,But….To be VERY Successful,U need Enemies & Competitor.."GM
Happiness is like a radio station Broadcasting all d time U just hav 2 learn how 2 tunein & receive it properly! Stay tuned..Stay happy
Take but GIVE more. Hate but LOVE more. Order but AGREE more. Talk but LISTEN more. Forget but FORGIVE more & IT Will Come Back to U.Gd mg
One hand of help, one word of sympathy, one act of Humanity, one smile of charity, one message a day can change someone's 'Life and Mood'. .Good morning...--
GOD has deposited Love, Joy, Prosperity, Peace Laughter+all Kinds of Blessings in ur ATM Account Use W/out Limit. D PIN Code is mrng
No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, and disciplined. But no life is ever happy until it is lived for the glory of God.GM
Worries always look big if you have it in your heart. But when you learn to share it with your dears, you will realize how small and simple it is..Gud mrng
Rainbow is a cute design,as they lovingly shine.Have u seen an inverted rainbow? U never know that it's ur smile. Let me see that rainbow forever.Gm
Beautiful Pictures r Devolped from Negatives in a Dark Room. So, if U see Darkness in ur Life b sure that God is making a Beautiful Picture 4 U!. gd mrng
Memories are always special. sometimes we laugh by remembering the days we cried. and we cry by remembering the days we laughed. thats life..good morning
Live each day in d happiest way,be d best, no matter wher u stay.Let ur fortune so unfold, tht even the stones u hold, may turn into gold.G'Morning!
Be big enough to admit mistakes, Smart enough to profit from them & strong enough to correct them"! Have a Great Morning