sum1 asked me

sum1 asked me
sum1 asked me to discribe u in a sentence. . . i said "individual that makes place in others heart without even knocking at it" G.M.

Jan, 16 2012     132 chars (1 sms)     740 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Lovely thought.... "Death is not the greatest loss in life. the greatest loss is what dies in you when you are alive". Gd mrng
the real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave the wrong thing unsaid at the most tempting moment. . .GM
Please Open Ur Eyes! So The SUN Can Rise, Flowers Can Blossom, Birds Can Sing, Bcoz All are Waiting to See Ur Beautiful SMILE in Ur Face.... & say GOOD MORNING
If u wait to b happy, you will wait forever, but if you start to b happy, you will be happy forever! Gud Day
Worst thng in life is ''ATTACHMENT'' it hurts wen u lose it Best thng in life is ''LONELINESS'' it teaches u evrythng & wen u lose it,u get evrythng.GD MRNG
"if People talk behind ur back wat does dat mean ?? Simple it means YOU ARE TWO STEPS AHEAD of them"just keep movin!! Gd mrng
EYES-expres d real feelin betr thn words! TOUCH-shows d care than any words do, but WORDS-when used proprly can catch d EYES n TOUCH d HEART.Gd mrng
If dreams werent dreams & dreams came true i woodnt b here id b wiv u.Distance is 1 thing dat keeps us apart.But ull always remain in my heart!.GD mrng
Sometime words are not comfortable to express our feelings. But our true lovable ones understand our feelings without any words.....!!!Gudmorning
Everyone is good to you,till you expect nothing from them..!And you are too Good to them only till u fulfill their expectations.!Good Mng
people are not beautiful as they look as they walk as they wear,people are Beautiful as they love ,as they care and as they share.good morning
"Instead of thinking about what you're missing,Try to think aboutwhat you have that everyone else is missing.."Life will be happy…GM