The permanent temptation of life is to confuse dreams with reality! but d permanent defeat of life comes wen we surrender our dreams to reality. good morning
Bhor Hui Chidiya Chahchahne Lagi Suraj Nikla Kirnein Muskrane Lagi, Phool Khile, Kaliya Sharmane Lagi, Subah Ki Oss Ki Bund n Chupke s Kan m Kaha- GOOD MORNING
D shortest distance between a problem & its solutions is the distance between your knees & the floor. The one who kneels to GOD can stand up to anything!!gd mrng
Sky is golden when sun is rising. Ocean is silver when moon is shining. The day is pleasant when U R smiling... "KEEP SMILING" Have a nice day .GOOD DAY.