Live wit no

Live wit no
Live wit no excuse n love wit no regrets. When life gives u a hundered reasons 2 cry, show life that u have million reasons 2 smile…GD MRNG

Jan, 16 2012     139 chars (1 sms)     876 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Don't keep ur dreams in ur eyes, they may fall as tears. keep them in ur heart so dat every heart beat may remind u abt that dream". Good morning
We live in our dreams, but dreams may die, don’t get shattered, never ever cry, the world is big & has lots to give, pick up a new dream, that's the way to live.GM
Have a Icy Morning with Buttering Messages, Chocolaty Calls, Creamy Thoughts, Fruity Funs with Jumpy Joys. Have a Swt Day! *Gud Mrng*
kya hai zindgi?Dekho to khwab he zindgi,Padho to kitab he zindgi,Suno to gyan he zindgi,Par hum ye kehte he"haste raho"To AASAN he zindgi.GD MRNG
YESTERDAY IN MY DREAM U WERE COUNTING LOT OF MONEY !!But i didnt understand why u were sitting in front of temple...!!Good Mornin!
I just love when morning gets here, cuz i can send a Great Big Good Morning sms to my bestest friend.what a lovely way to start my day
A butterfly lives only for few days, but still it flies joyfully capturing many hearts. Each moment in life is indeed precious, live it fully, live it mrng
Each drop of a Tear is Costly then anything in World..But,No One knows its value until they have it in their own eyes For Someone..GD MRNG
"Whn lot's of people start 2 love u,U may get confused whom 2 love,Just tel them i hate u,Every one wil get back but not the person who loves u truly.G'Mrng
Our friendship is like a flying kite.U r the color paper of kite.People see & appricate u.I am the thread, invisible to people but always with U.Gud morning
End is not end.. in fact, end is effort never dies!! no is not always just denial.. its no- next opportunity!! always b positive!! have a nice morning
5 frogs r sitting on a wall!4 decide to jump off.How many left now??still 5.There's a lot of difference betweenDeciding & Doing Have a great day.