Subah-subah suraj ka sath ho..Chah-chahate parindo ki awaj ho..Hath me cofee aur yado me koi khas ho..Us khusnuma subah ki kya bat ho..< Good MorNinG >.
White 4 Peace, Red 4 Purity, Orange 4 Prosperity, Purple 4 Romance,Yellow 4 Health,Green 4 Wealth & Blue 4 Joy. May god give u evry color of life. Good morning
You can never change the past nor control the future. But you can change the mood of the day by touching someone's private organ. The heart. Now you're smiling! Good morning!
Easy to get someone who will love u, easy to get someone who will like u, easy to get someone who will care for u, but rare to get someone who will understand "YOU".GD MRNG
Dedicate time 2 enjoy, its d secret of youth. Dedicate time 4 ur friends, its d path 2 happiness. Dedicate time 2 love n b loved., its 2 source of joy n satisfaction. Gd mrng