How can u spell

How can u spell
How can u spell "N_CE"without "I"?"POL_TE"without "I"?How can u"SM_LE" without "I"?How can u"W_SH"without"I"?see,"I’m very important…good morning.

Jan, 16 2012     146 chars (1 sms)     794 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Thought"If u surrender completely 2 d moments as they pass, u live more richly those moments."GUD MRNG
Success does not depend on making important decisions quick, it depends on your quick action on important decisions..Gud mrng
Pearl of the Day: Aap ki Har Subah Muskurati Rahe, Har Shaam Gungunati Rahe. Aap Jise Bhi Mile Aise Mile ki, Aap ke Milne se hi Unka Chehra Khile. Gud Mrng.
Even a correct decision is wrong when it's taken too late.Vision without action is a daydream.Action without vision is a nightmare.JUST THINK.Gud morning
The rain makes all things beautiful,The grass & flowers too..If rain makes all things beautiful,why doesn't it rain on you?-Gud Morning
LIFE Is Not A REHEARSALEach Day Is A New Show,No Repeat, No RewindSo Give UR Best Shot In All UR Worthy Acts As The Show Goes On & On.G'mrng
People who give importance to their happiness make other peoples unhappy from themselves. Good Morning
Trust is feeling that a 1year old kid has,when u throw him in air,he laughscoz he knws u'll catch him.SoTrust the person who care 4u. g'mg
'Pyari Si Morning Me Pyari Si Cool Hawao Me Pyare Se Ujale Me "Sabse"Pyare"FRIEND" Ko Pyara Sa GOOD MORNING
A heartbreak is not always loud as a bomb blast,it may b as quiet as a feather fallin & most painful thing is nobody hear it.GM
A Lovely thought...."Death is not the greatest loss in life.....the greatest loss is -what dies in you when you are alive..Good Day
if you are HAPPY you will remember the person whom YOU love.. If you are SAD you will remember the person who loves YOU.GD MRNG