Fact of life "whom

Fact of life "whom
Fact of life "whom u don’t need today, u will need them tomarrow whom u neglect today,will never again accept u tomarrow.GD MRNG

Jan, 16 2012     128 chars (1 sms)     820 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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A careless word may kindle strife, A cruel word may wreck a life, A timely word may level stress.. A loving word may heal and bless.gd mrng
A good plan for today is better than a great plan for tommorow. Look backward with satisfaction and look forward with confidence..GMrng!
Take but GIVE more. Hate but LOVE more. Order but AGREE more. Talk but LISTEN more. Forget but FORGIVE more & IT Will Come Back to U.Gd mg
When love is unknown for you,you know what is HAPPINESS..when you know love,you know wat is PAIN,ven u loose luv,u know what is "LIFE".gd mrng
Anger is a Condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind. Smile is an action which makes everything work faster except the tongue.G.D.
Early this morning god gave me 3 baskets of fruits - love ,happiness peace of mind and told me 2 share them with peal dear 2 me. i’m sharing all with u…
Ppl often feel smthin bt xpress smthin else Dey mean smthin but say smthin else So learn d art of sayin nothin in such a way dat it leavs nothin unsaid…Gudmrg
Difficulties in ur life do not come to destroy U, but to help u realise ur hidden potential. Let Difficulties Know That U R DIFFICULT.Gud mrng
Wats the meaning of sms(share my sweetness) (search my soul) (seek my sweetheart) (succeed my smartness)(see my smile)so keep sending SMS Good morning..--
,"I m Not In Competition With Anybody But Myself. My Goal is To Beat My Last PerformAnce" GM
"Life is a Book of Mysteries.,U'll Never kNow which Page wil briNg a Good Twist.,So,keep On ReadiNg.,Bcoz HappiNess comes wheN it's Most Unexpected".GM
Ever Seen a bAby LeArn to wAlk without fAlling down..?...No !!!You never Will either.MistAke R A pArt of the process We cAll Success..GM