Conquer the angry

Conquer the angry
Conquer the angry man by love. Conquer the ill natured man by goodness. Conquer the miser with generosity. Conquer the liar with truth.GD MRNG

Jan, 16 2012     142 chars (1 sms)     867 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Flirt with ur understanding, Get engaged to compassion, Marry simplicity, Honeymoon with genuineness, And divorce the ego. That’s Life !!!gd mrng
The FUTURE belongs2those ppl who believe in beauty of thr DREAMS & best way2make ur DREAMS COMETRUE 4ever is2wakeup.GM
friend gives support,a good friend gives protection,a best friend gives life.But a real friend gives full of his care and affection.Good morning. Gud day 4--
I'm loving u to live & i'm living to love u,Becoz u are the heartbeat of my heart.I love you..Gud morning:
Morning Breezem, Morning coolness, Rising sun, Humming birds, Melting dew, Along with dis "LITTLE MSG" Wishing a very "GLORIOUS Good MORNING"
"Think about urself atleast once in ur lifetime...Otherwise,You may miss the best comedy in this world...!"gud morning!Have a nice day
Our life begins with our cry,Our life ends with others cry,so try to utilize this gap in laugh as much as possible...Gm.
Life is Small, LIVE it... Love is Short, FLIRT it... Anger is Injurious, DUMP it... Troubles are Momentary, FACE it... Memories are Sweet, CHERISH it !gd mrng
Feel the pleasure of LIFE in every second.Never b'angry'or'sad' bcoz every 1min of ur anger or sadness u loose 60sec of happiness.Be happy always.good morninG
'G' god'O' offer us'O' outstanding'D' Devotion to'M' make us'O' obedient &'R' ready for'N' new day to'I' initiate'N' new aim for the'G' glory of life..HAVE A NICE DAY
Its like reaching 4 a star, u know u cant reach it, but u keep trying, coz...may be 1 day that star just might fall 4 you gud morning.
Never be sad 4missing whatever u expectd!But, be happy 4 dat! Bcoz god has planned 2 giv anothr 1,better dan u expected!.GM