Attention Pls. Passengers

Attention Pls. Passengers
Attention Pls. Passengers in Sweet DrmZ r requstd 2 open their eyes.As d NIGHT AIRLINES is Landing on a Beautiful Day.So Wake up.Gud MornG.

Jan, 16 2012     139 chars (1 sms)     803 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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A child on a farm sees a plain flying by overhead n dreams ofa far away place. A traveler on d plain sees d farm n dreamsof that. That"s life. We never realized d value of the thingunless it moves away frm us. Enjoy d moment u hav with u.Gud Day
Belief is the most powrful tool against trials. The most effectve medcine against doubt & the most valuable gift to someone we care for..GD MRNG
Sweet good morning to a sweet person who passed sweet night to saw sweet dreams now wants to pass the sweet day with sweet talks. Always keep smilling Gud mrng
When we want to talk more than usual to our dearest, sometimes we cant say even a single word. Just the silence says, 'I hve lot to talk'…GD MRNG
In d Book of life,d Page Yestrdy is over,d Page future is blank,n Page 2day is being writen. So write d best U can,coz on ths Book,eraser dsn't work! Gudmrng
Never tell ur problem 2 Anyone except d 1% who genuine love u,Bcoz 20% people don’t cAre & other 79% people Are GlAd thAt u hv Problem !Thats Life!!GM
Character is Like a Book!It Takes Seconds to BurnBut it Takes years to PrintSo Print it Carefully&NEVER Let It Burn.GM
Who help U, Don’t forget them! -Who like U, Don’t hate them! -Who has hope on U, Don’t leave them! -Who trust U, Don’t cheat them!GM
fresh morning fresh day fresh smile fresh faces fresh lifebut still the same good old love..,wish u have a refreshing day..Good Morning
Never get too attached to anyone because attachments always lead to expectations & expectations always leads to disappointment G.M.
Never take some1 for granted,Hold every person close to Yr Heart B'cs U might wake up 1 day & realise that U've lost a diamond While U were busy Collecting StonE.GM
"Write ur sad times on sand n Good times on stone. "Think about this,n live ur life".gd mrng