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There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure." Gd mrng

Jan, 16 2012     108 chars (1 sms)     853 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Missed calls Reachs the Mobile.Recivd Call Reaches the Ears.But my msg Reaches Ur Beautiful Eyes & Loveable Heartz.So!I Always Like 2 Send MSGs.GD MRNG
when i woke up early morning birds were singing i asked them i m missing a sweet voice in u a bird replied: u still havn’t said good morning to taht sweet Angel….so GooD MorninG sweet heart
Keypad locked press unlock & then * Now press * Keypad active 1 message received opening Message "GUD MORNG FRiND
A Warm Gud Monin Larger Than D Sea !Wider Than What Eyes Can See !Soft Like Silk Should Be !&Sweeter ThanHoney 0f The Bee !
Hardwork is like staircase & luck is like a lift. Lift may fail sometimes but whatever may be the situation, stairs will always get u 2 the top….GM
Beautiful lines"Worrying doesn't reduce yesterdays sorrows, but it empties todays strength". So DONT WORRY, BE HAPPY..Good day!
All beautiful things start from the heart.All bad things start 4m the mind".Never let the mind rule ur heart.Let the heart rule ur mind.GM
One song can spark a moment, One flower can wake the dream. One tree can start a forest, One bird can herald spring.GM
Education Gives Quality Of Life..Money Givs Quality Of Respect..Sangathi Givs Quality Of Love..But,Friendship Givs Quality Of Heart.G/M
Close your eyes, Take a deep breath, Open your arms wide, Feel your heart beat n say Its too early. Let me sleep again.GooD MorninG !
Change is the Law of Life.. Challenge is the Aim of Life.. U hav to challenge the Changes, not Change the Challenges.GD MRNG
SOUL BACK FROM DREAMLAND Your soul came back from dreamland reunited with a sleeping senseless piece of yourself slowly open ur eyes realise its a brand new day. Good Morning.