We Always Feel

We Always Feel
We Always Feel that GOD Never comes on Time When We Call Him... But the Truth is ~ He is Always on Time But We are Always in Hurry!.good morning

Jan, 16 2012     144 chars (1 sms)     1079 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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People who give importance to their happiness make other peoples unhappy from themselves. Good Morning
Weekly 1 Day Holiday,Monthly 1 Day Salary Day,Yearly 1 Day Birthday,Lifely 1 Day Death Day,But Sharing Ur Frindship is Every Day.G'Mrng!
Wishing you 12 months of happiness, 52 weeks of fun, 365 days of success, 8760 hours of good health, 525600 minutes of good luck & 31536000 seconds of Joy forever.gd mrng
Don't place UR mistakes on UR head,its weight may crush U.Instead place them under UR feet & use it as a platform to view UR horizon. GM
CHEER up and REJOICE Coz every new day brings new Life.... new blessings.... new hope! Have a nice day! GUD-MORNING!
Each moment of ur life is a picture which u had never seen before. And which ull never see again so enjoy & live life & make each moment beautiful…gd mrng
I dont know how many meters make a mile Nor do I know how long is the river Nile But I always smile whenever I see your name on my mobile .gd mrng
A strong and positive attitude creates more miracles than any other thing because life is 10% how U make it and 90% how U take it..
Both Anger & Happiness r complimentary..Make ur anger so expensivethat no1 can afford it & make ur happiness so cheap that people get it free frm u!GM
You r my sweet SONA I don't want u KHONA I want a place in your heart's KONA Otherwise i will start RONA Atleast Good Morning to kar LONA
Dont run ahead of God,Let Him direct ur steps.He has plans & He has time.God's clock is never early nor late.It alwys strikes on time.G'Mrng
When earthly help s no avail, there s 1 fren who wil never fail. Just lift ur eyes, d answer s there. For nobody knows d power of prayer. Have a worry free day.