These are just 16 letters yet they mean so much when warmly sent just to keep in touch.(>*<) T*A*K*E* (<<**>>);;""C*A*R*E* @$##(>>^^^<<)##$@ OF URSELF..$#%% Good Morning.... ""
Of all the smiles you received today, there was a smile you didn't see. A smile not from the lips, but straight from the heart - a smile that came from mrng
If dreams werent dreams & dreams came true i woodnt b here id b wiv u.Distance is 1 thing dat keeps us apart.But ull always remain in my heart!.GD mrng keval jeene ka bahana. keval saanso ka khazana. Zindagi...Sindoor hai purab dishaa ka. Zindagi ka kaam hai Suraj ugana..!! Gmrng. Gudday