Success & Excuse

Success & Excuse
Success & Excuse Do Not WaLk Together;If U Want Excuse Forget About Success;&If U Want Success Do Not Give Excuse.!!-GD MRNG

Jan, 16 2012     124 chars (1 sms)     947 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Mithi neend Mithe khwaab Ho Gaya savera ab to jago janab Chand bhi chup gaya fir rat K intezar Me1 naya din shuru karo apni manzil ki talash Me.Gud Mrng
She's HOT.! She's swt.! She's refreshing.! she alwz needs a lip kiss.! who's she? guess guess she's 'TEA' chaay piyo mast jiyo.gudmrning
Patience with friends is love, Patience with others is respect. Patience with self is confidence & Patience with God is faith.GM.
LOOK…the moon is calling you, SEE…the stars are shining for you, HEAR… my heart saying good night.
Don't get 'UPSET' with little jerks in life,Bcozlife is like a road & problems are like speed breakers,They 'SAVE' us from'BIG'
Beautiful things happen 2 beautiful people with beaytiful Hearts in beautiful places.i pray this day adds more beauty 2 ur beautiful life. gud mrng….
If u had 2 pick some1 from whome u luv & 1 who luvs U, Pick the 1 who luvs u because u can learn 2 luv some1, but can’t teach any1 2luv u back!Good Morning.
Life ends wen u stop dreaming, Hope ends wen u stop believing, Love ends wen u stop caring, Fndship ends wen u stop sharing.Good morning
We came in this world wid dfear of not knowing any1..ButWe will go frm this wrld with tears after knowing every1....AND That's called"LIFE".GM
The Loser says "Its Possible but its Difficult". The Winner says "Its Difficult but its Possible". Always Think like Winner. Have a NICE DAY
pray 4 yr life that u truly deserve. A life as gud as yr heart. A life as bright as yr smile. And life as wonderful as you are.GM
This lovely morning, Even though the sun is out shining, Now that you opened your gorgeous eyes, The whole place has brightened up, Good morning and have a great day.