If u cry because

If u cry because
If u cry because the sun has gone out of your life,your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars To be upset over what you dont have is to waste what you do have GOOD MORNING . Have a nice day

Jan, 16 2012     196 chars (2 sms)     939 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

When u wake up in the morning, U have two choices : Go back to sleep and dream or Wake up and chase ur dreams.. Choice is yours gm
Go to window look outside,someone is waiting for ur smile.Found the sun i have sent the sun to say u gd mrng
When we want to talk more than usual to our dearest, sometimes we cant say even a single word. Just the silence says, 'I hve lot to talk'…GD MRNG
Thosands of languages around this world,but smile can beat them All.Because SMILE is the language even a baby can speak.So keep smiling.GD MRNG
Bells giv us tinkles, Fountains giv sprinkles, Cryin givs wrinkles, gud frnz mak us laugh coz Laughing givs Dimples so kp laughing.Gd mrng
Experience makes one modified.Training makes one qualified.But, Involvment alone makes everyone Satisfied!So do all work with involvment.G'Mrng!
Xcellent morningXecutive thinkingXpress feelingsXcite talents2 give U a peaceful &a joyful Life Style.Have a greatful sunrise. happy morning
Never b sad if someone dsnt recognize ur worth. its their loss n ur gain coz people who dont appreciate ur true worth donot deserve to know u.
"Leav SOMETHING 4 SOMEONE.. Never leave SOMEONE 4 SOMETHING.Bcoz in lif,SOMETHING ll leave u,but SOMEONE wil always live with U":GM
People who Spend Time On Propagating Their Present Achievements Will Not Find Time to Grow Beyond Their Current Level.GM
Mausam ki bahar achhi ho, Phool ki kaliya kachi ho, Hamari ye dosti sachi ho,rab bas ek duaa hai ke , Mere dost ki har subah achhi ho.
Happiness always looks small when you hold it in your hands ... But when you learn to share it , you will realize how big and precious it is!! Gd mrng