Good morning n

Good morning n
Good morning n have a day of knowing that the flow of positive communication can soften the hardest of hearts. Good Day

Jan, 16 2012     119 chars (1 sms)     849 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Best Friends r like beautiful street lamps...They may not make the distance shorter,but they light up your path & make the journey easier..Good morning..
3 Tips to play a safe life game: >Don't make promises wen u r in joy,>Don't reply wen u r sad,>Don't take decisions wen u r angry Think TWICE, Act WISE.GM
Two aspects of life If we become too sentimental its too hard to lead life n If we become too practical its too tough to maintain relation.GD MRNG
A famous saying by Buddha on AngeR U will not be punished for ur anger. U will b punished by ur anger. So stay cool all times.GM
Its Possibl bt its Difficult" Th Winner says "Its Difficult bt its Possibl" Alwys Think lik Winner. Its d spirit.GM
Feel D pleasure of LIFE in evry second.Nevr b'angry'or'sad'bcoz evry 1min of ur anger or sadness,u loose 60sec of hapines.B hapy always.Gm.
A ROYAL ENGLISH WAY OF TELLING GOOD MORNING..Birds are chilakking..Hen is kooving..Flowers are pushping..Moon is Maraying..Sun is udikki
lovely message 4 lovely person from lovely friend 4 a lovely reason at a lovely time from a lovely mind in a lovely mood in a lovely style ... gd-mrng…
Shakespear said,Don't worry!bcoz if U're worried u get a wrinkle,So why dont u smile & get a dimple.Always smile & be happy.GD MRNG
Be "Bold" when u loose and be "Calm" when u win because Life is a Foot print which can not be Duplicated so make the Best impressions of it....G'Mrng
"The Heart suffers a lot, not because of "VIOLENCE" of other people, But Bcoz of "SILENCE" of Dear ones. So dont be SILENT. Gud MRNG
Evéry Fàìlüré ìs à £éssöñ -£éàrñ wéll Evéry Süççéss ìs à ßàttlé -Fight wéll àñd Evéry Frìéñd ìs à Jéwél -Kéép wéll ìñ Yöür Héàrt.. Have a nice sunday